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Frequently Asked Questions
​Below we've provided some frequently asked questions regarding H2O Securities and the H2O Water Network. If you have any other questions, please get in touch via email.
What is Leasing?Leasing is a prevalent and important financing strategy used across many business settings that involves an agreement between a lessee and lessor to use an asset for a set fee, paid in installments throughout the term of the lease. The lessee doesn't have to purchase the asset outright, and by the end of the lease, has paid the lessor a portion or all of its market value.
Are there different types of leases?Yes, there typically 3 types of leases: finance leases, operating leases, and conversions leases (also known as sale and leaseback agreements).
What leasing solutions does H2O Securities provide?H2O Securities provides the following lease options for your water equipment needs: Finance Lease H2O Securities transfers ownership of the asset to you at the end of the term. We do not place a residual investment in the asset, so the lease is similar to a bank loan and is treated as a depreciating asset. This is best suited for assets with a long lifecycle, or when ownership at the end of the lease term is desirable. Operating Lease We work with you to determine the best end-of-term solution for your business, which could include disposing of, extending, purchasing, or upgrading the assets. Should you decide not to keep the equipment, H2O Securities will then dispose of the water equipment in an environmentally friendly manner, lease it again, or sell it on. Conversion Lease A conversion is where you, the owner of the asset sell it to H2O Securities for a predetermined amount and then lease it back from the us, for a predetermined period. You as the seller of the asset become the lessee under this arrangement. Note: Finance lease payments are typically higher than an operating lease because we do not invest in the asset's market value at the end of the lease term. A finance lease is useful in situations where a business is looking to lease a specialised asset.
What is the advantage of leasing water equipment?Leasing provides businesses with access to the assets they need without requiring a large upfront payment, allowing them to conserve cash and use it for other purposes. Additionally, leasing does not typically impact existing credit lines, providing an alternative source of capital for businesses.
Who owns the water equipment in a lease?The lessor retains legal ownership of the asset or property, while granting the lessee a specific period of right to use it.
H2O Securities Leasing vs Bank Finance ComparisonLeasing with H2O Securities can lower the total cost of ownership for water equipment and infrastructure compared to traditional bank funding. In fact, leasing saves between 10-15%.
Who can particpiate in the H2O Water Network?Anyone can participate in the H2O Water Network, provided that they have purchased and hold H2ON tokens.
What is the H2O Water Network and H2ON Token and how does it work?The H2O Water Network is a closed loop ecosystem where a tokenized currency (H2ON Token) is used as a mechanism to reward participation in the network. The H2ON Token provides access to the H2O Water Network, and is a currency within the ecosystem wherein network participants can participate and earn rewards based on their participation. Rewards are algorithmically generated and based on participation in the H2O Water Network opportunities and services, including staking of H2ON Tokens. The H2ON Token is a digital cryptographically secured fungible token minted on the blockchain using the BEP20 protocol on the BSC Smart Chain.
What are Connected services?In the H2O Water Network, Connected services include amongst others; engineering services, consulting services, maintenance, water treatment, operations, operations training, staffing, insurance, risk management services, surveying, data management, equipment and material supplies.
Which Wallet is best to hold my H2ON Tokens?Any wallet that would accept BEP20 is sufficient. However if you wish to make use of the extended functionality of The H2O Water Network and the H2O technology platform, that provides connected services that includes, project consulting, project submissions, voting, supply and other features, then we recommend Metamask.
What is the minimum amount of H2ON that must be held in order to particpate in the network?H2ON Token holders are guaranteed the full use and benefit of the full range the H2O Water Network’s services. Any amount of H2ON tokens will give you access to the H2O Water Network, however you will require the correct amount of H2ON Tokens to contract or connected services that includes amongst others; engineering services, consulting services, maintenance, water treatment, operations, operations training, staffing, insurance, risk management services, surveying, data management, equipment and material supplies.
How can H2ON tokens be purchased?New H2ON Tokens is purchased with fiat or approved cryptocurrency from a range of Decentralized and Centralized Exchanges on the Binance Smart Chain. More exchanges will be listed here as these are activated.
What are the expected returns?The H2ON Token provides access to the H2O Water Network, and is a currency within the ecosystem wherein network participants can participate and earn rewards based on their participation. Rewards are algorithmically generated and based on participation in the H2O Water Network opportunities and services, including staking of H2ON Tokens. Additionally, the aim is to provide a +20% APR (Annual Percentage Rate) on staked H2ON Tokens, for this reason the staking pool cannot accommodate more than 70% of the H2ON Tokens in circulation. To achieve the intended APR target the Plant Settlement Smart Contract will distribute the yield according to the following model: TP = Ppv x Tdp YD = {AT – AB} / Ts TP = H2ON Token purchases in daily cycles at UTC 00:00 AT = Accumulated TP from 00:00 from the 1st calendar day of each month up to and including the last TP on the last calendar day of each month at UTC 00:00 AB = Accumulated and not settled plant billing from H2O Water Network service providers as at UTC 00:00 last day of each calendar month YD = Yield Distribution as calculated per H2ON Token Ppv = Plant Production Volume as measured in Cubic Meter for a production period starting at UTC 00:01 running through to and including UTC 00:00 on the same day. These inputs are received from the Plant Smart Contract as described earlier in the document Tdp = The current DEX price of the H2ON Token Ts = Quantity of Staked H2ON Tokens as at UTC 00:00 on the distribution date (last calendar day of the each month) The H2ON Token is designed to be a utility token and as such any expectation of profit must be oriented towards other categories of economic activities (selling services, product, engineering, water rights), not from, but facilitated by the H2ON Token, as a "PASS" to gain access to these economic activities on the H2O Water Network
What are the main benefits of purchasing H2ON Tokens and being an H2O Water Network participant?-Water scarcity is a global phenomenon and therefore a global opportunity. Any person globally can participate in the Utility H2ON Token and the H2O Water Network to help and make an improvement to our global society and help drive water scarcity down. -The entire ecosystem of H2O Securities H2O Water Network is Smart Contract governed. Value and Reward distribution within the H2O Water Network is Smart Contract driven. No single person determines the fate of the network participants of the H2O Water Network, this includes connecting more water plants to the network and increasing H2ON Token supply. -Participation in the H2O Water Network generates business opportunities for network participants both on-chain and off-chain leveraging the efforts, initiative, entrepreneurial ingenuity of the network participant. The interoperability of the H2ON Token enables it to be exchanged on DEX and CEX platforms for other Cryptocurrencies and even fiat currency. -The global adoption of the H2ON Token will have a significant impact on the global society and the global environment – simply owning the H2ON Token is a feel-good factor. -With almost 30% of the world not having access to potable water, the effective application of the H2ON Token strategy will remain in demand for at least a 20 to 30-year period.
When can I sell my H2ON Tokens?H2ON Token holders can exchange/swap their H2ON Token holdings at any stage for other cryptocurrencies based on current market value.
What Drives the H2ON Token value?The H2ON Token value is predominantly dependent on the participation of the token holders in the H2O Water Network as well as free market forces that would be based on mass market psychology, perceived value and intrinsic use value of the H2ON Token.
What are the H2O Securities official channels and contacts?H2O Securities Telegram Group: H2O Securities Telegram Group Admin Contact: @JuliusSteyn H2O Securities Telegram Team Update Broadcast Channel: H2O Securities Linkedin Page: H2O Securities Twitter Page: H2O Securities Facebook Page: H2O Securities Youtube Channel: H2O Securities Blog on Medium:
Which promotions are official/legitimate H2O Securities promotions?H2O Securities will only do promotions via our official channels and our promotional sites.
How do I know if a website is an official H2O Securities related website?All H2O Securities related websites would always include in the url. Any website that is not a sub-domain of is not an official H2O securities website. PLEASE CHECK THE SPELLING - Fraudsters make minute changes in the spelling to mislead and misdirect. Check our Digital Security Certificate by clicking on the lock - this will enable you to open the lock and see the actual website to which the certificate as per the image below.
Key Points to ensure that you are on the correct contract.1) This is the Contract Address: 0xe0e81c29a68bfdd7c48072fd94e7c58f1f0146c1 2) Our Contract is Verified on (See image green tick mark) 3) Notice the contract verification date on line 2 of the contract 4) Notice the embedded issuer company details on line 6 & 7 of the contract 5) Review our Token Audit here:
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